Shannon Pinizzotto


Shannon is a third year studying Industrial Engineering, and is from Blackwood, New Jersey. She joined Savoir Faire in Fall 2022 and served as the Public Relations Chair for the 2023-24 school year. Shannon is so elated to make beautiful music with her Savoir girlfriends this year!

Outside of Savoir, Shannon is an Active Member of the Society of Women Engineers, and is one of the SWE Directors of Equity Recruitment! Shannon is also an active member of Phi Sigma Rho, the National Women in Engineering Social Sorority, and will serve as a Membership Educator in Fall 2024! Shannon also had the opportunity to study abroad in Aruba over Penn State's 2024 Spring Break, learning about sustainable energy! She loves thrifting, reading, exploring downtown State College with her friends, discovering new music, and traveling.

Voice Part Tenor
Joined Fall 2022
Studying Industrial Engineering
Graduation 2026
Portrait of Shannon Pinizzotto